Monica Boyer
Every mom has a never ending list of to-do’s that nag at her all day long. In her quest to take care of everyone and everything, she often neglects herself. This cycle usually leads to unwanted weight gain, low energy, hormonal imbalances and a general state of brain fog.
Sound familiar? If so, then you’ve probably spent tons of time, money and hope on quick fixes to lose weight and feel clear headed and energetic again….to no avail.
That’s where I come in! My name is Monica and I am passionate about helping women who’ve tried everything finally become the happiest, healthiest versions of themselves. I myself am a wife, mom, and business owner; I know the struggle to stay healthy when you are trying to do it all.
Personal Journey
I remember the day it happened so vividly, that I can literally feel the toast crumbs on my kitchen table. It was June 11th, 2017. My husband and I were sitting with our oldest son. He and his fiancé are preparing for their wedding, and he had come to us to ask us if we could go to Cedar Point with them. They just wanted to "hang" with us.
What parent wouldn't be over-the-moon excited that their kids WANT to spend time with them?
I wasn't. I panicked and told him that we couldn't afford to go (in my defense, the tickets are outrageous!) The fact of the matter is, I lied. The fact was, I was, at 232 lbs, I was too fat for the rides. I didn't want to wait in line for two hours and have some high school kid tell me I couldn't fit on the rides.
I had hit my low.
I knew something had to change. I had tried every diet in the book TWICE! Thousands of dollars had filled the pockets of Weight Watchers, diet pills, Nutra-every-diet-in-the-book. My body ached. My blood pressure was through the roof. I had zero energy even to walk around the block. Dark depression riddled my body.
But June 12th…
This was a day I'll never forget. I had remembered my friend Renee had begun this thing called the "Keto Diet." I didn't want to try it because I had set myself up for failure so many times. But I knew I had no where else to go but UP.
That was the day my journey began. Over the next few months, I will talk about my Keto journey and give you tons of tips. That is not what this post is about. This post is literally the secret to everyone's "June 12th. You have to have your enough moment.
You have to reach the point where you are desperate enough to do anything. My journey has lasted over a year, and there were moments that I had to cling to my enough moment with every single fiber of my being. In the end, I did it. I've lost over 100 lbs.
I no longer am a slave to depression. I'm on zero meds. My blood pressure is perfect for the first time in my life. Keto transformed my life. But before Keto, there was my "enough" moment. That is the secret to success to this lifestyle. Perhaps you don't have an issue with weight, but you are tired of your body hurting all the time? Perhaps you struggle with depression? Perhaps you have just had enough. Is it time to wrestle through your "Enough" moment? Let's talk.
You will be so glad you did!
xoxo -- Coach Monica
“I'm thankful for my struggle, without it I wouldn't have stumbled upon my strength.”

Monica’s Training & Certifications
"My experience, training and passion are all about getting busy women results... not just in terms of fat loss, but in improving their overall quality of life."
Licensed Food Addiction and Recovery Coach
Certified Intermittent Fasting Coach
Certified Life Coach
Certified Ketogenic Lifestyle Coach
Certified SUGAR Instructor
Holistic Medicine for Addiction